Sunday, October 25, 2009

Tarot - Thuesday Princess of Swords and 5 Disks

Crowley's Princess of Swords (aka Page of Swords) shows a young woman within a conflict situation. She's trying to keep her head (with a helmet reminiscent of wise Athena) above the dark upsetting clouds and ward off any unseen evil. The sword is pointed downwards. This can help to impact a coming blow, but clearly the Princess is not willing to strike first. Note how the dark clouds can only be seen underneath her own feet, suggesting that her worries that are the cause of her defensiveness may have been born in her mind alone without a material cause. She might just as well be fighting a depression. The sky around her and that which she tries to defend herself from is clear and light. Is there any real danger to be seen? Lastly, the Princess of Swords is alighted in a green colour, with green symbolizing "green of envy".

When I saw this card, I knew I was warned about me ending up feeling cornered and self-protective. So I drew another card to clarify in what area this conflict would expose itself. I drew the 5 of pentacles. 

This card is called Worry by Crowley, and as pentacles it signifies the cause of the worries is tangible, and very possibly material and financial. We see a reversed pentagram on this dark card: things are not going well. Nor is it a situation that is easily solved. All elements are involved and in a negative way. The card shows no rescue.

I knew then that the conflict would be about my financial situation, that has been a point of worry for quite some time. While I do have work (loads) and a healthy pay, I've run into some misfortunes with financial repercussions over the past months, and it all piles up one after the other. The past month I've been trying to at least stabilize the situation.

On Monday night, past midnight, and thus Thuesday, I checked my bank account and my attempt to turn the situation around has not yet come to pass. So, upcoming bills, how to fix the situations short term and long term, planning was running through my mind the whole day.

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