Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tarot - Sunday Moon (18.10)

Because I am trying to gain extra insights in the Tarot cards on a symbolical level, I laid 7 cards for the whole of the week with my Crowley's Toth Deck.

Sunday 18 October 2009 was a Moon day in the spread I laid on Saturday 17 October.

The Moon is not the everyday realm. It is the world at night, in the dark, when we fear what roams outside, and when the world becomes incoherent and dreamy instead. When the moon is up, and we sleep and dream, we may end up having to confront our worst fears in nightmares, or live out our deepest sexual desires we would like noone else to know.

The Toth card version emphasises the feminine intuition: at the bottom we can see a depiction of a woman's hormonal cycle, which used to be called "moontimes" because of their cyclic nature similar to that of the moon. More importantly a woman's moon cycle implies fertility, and the image of the Toth card makes it appear as if a woman's eggcell is about to be released or fertilized. Also the light path from sun to moon, the cone in the sky of alighted sky, resembles the womb of a woman, and in the moon's darkened side we see strings of DNA intertwine.

What is different in the Toth card from the Rider Waite aspect is that here Crowley wanted to reveal that soon the sun will rise once more, daytime will come again, with the Scarabee pushing the sun up just right underneath the horizon. And it looks as if the moon and the sun together are lighting a path for the reader. And the only crescent moon you see so close before sunrise is the waning moon.

While Anubis guards the entry of the Moon's realm (and in Egyptian mythology Toth was the Moon God), the towers rise high and ominous, the waning moon lures us to wonder on the weird and crazy looking world of the dream for inspiration, which is indeed most likely to be recalled if early in the morning rather than the middle of the night.

We can see yods fall from the Moon to the Sun. The Hebrew word yod means "hand" or "helping" hand. So it suggests that this card may lend a helping hand to get through your fears and worries via your dreams.

What did the card mean in relation to Saturday 17th of October? Was I worried? Or anxious? Did I had a great insight from a dream? None of it all. But I did hours of research and writing on the blog articles about dreams and what happens in our brain neurologically when we dream. So, yes, Saturday was a Moon day because dreams were the topic of that day, and it helped me to learn why dreams are as they are.

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