Sunday, October 25, 2009

Tarot - Monday Knight of Cups (19.10)

Crowley's Knight of Cups does not correlate exactly to the Knight of Cups of the Rider Waite, because the Toth deck has no Kings in the Court cards. Crowley has princesses for pages, princes for knights, and knights for kings, while the queen remain queens. But that would not be totally correct either. I rarely see a court card as another person than the querent. Often I regard them as an attitude the querent has within a certain situation. Pages or princesses stand more for an opportunity to me, like the aces, with that difference that usually the opportunities of the aces are born from within, while the opportunities of the pages come from outside ourselves, coming from a person. The RW knights and Crowley's princes tend to stand for an environment and climate rather than just one person. This leaves only the queens and kings (or Crowley's knights) to represent actual concrete people.

So, according to the card for past Monday (that I drew on Saturday 17 October) the issue of that day involved a man in a romantic sense. The Knight of Cups is like a romantic ideal, the knight in shining armour, who'll fly to other worlds to pamper you with his feelings for you, driven by his impulses. In my case this was very literal. My Nicaraguan boyfriend had his flight from Costa Rica to Germany on Monday in order to come and live with me for the next three months.

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