Monday, October 26, 2009

Tarot - Friday Art (23.10)

Art is Crowley's Temperance, and illustrates the mixing of two opposites: fire with water and the lion with a griffon. The result is something steamy and passionate, and can tend to blow in our faces, so temperance is required in order to have a productive result rather than destructive. The angel in this card mixing the opposites holds a wand and a cup. Not only are these the Tarot symbols related to the elements of fire and water, but a wand is a symbol of the male aspect while a cup of the female aspect.

Friday was a day where I was confronted with my first irritations of suddenly having my partner living with me, something he had done that he shouldn't have, coupled with my worries over my finances. It's a small appartment and we are in some ways as different as night and day as well as both needing attention, spirited and extraverts. It can be a volatile combination if we were to think only of ourselves and would not have the maturity yet to express our needs, wants and frustrations in a loving way. Luckily we can argue in a manner that still expresses love. The potential of a fight was there on Friday, and yet we simply talked things over in a temperate and productive manner.

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